Title: Riley
Authors: TJ and Rita Webb
Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance
Expected Release Date: Summer 2014
The Operative: Riley, a.k.a. The Doppelganger
Her Target: a half-dragon bodyguard
Her Mission: to infiltrate a group of sorcerers in South Dakota
Forget the fact Riley doesn’t have a soul or even a real body. As a magical construct, she is damn useful: she can take any humanoid shape, she’s immune to magical fear, and nobody can read her mind. Perfect when her target is a telepathic half-dragon guarding an elite base.
But Dare isn’t the easy target she expected. He’s fierce. Loyal. Smart. And Stubborn. Facing off against one of the Usurper’s most trusted soldiers might be more than she bargained for.
Especially when her heart and her fate hang in the balance.
About Rita & TJ Webb
Our adventure started with a camping trip and a bottle of whiskey. Apparently Rita is a scary monster, and TJ needed liquid courage to give her that first kiss.
When not fighting over who gets to read our favorite books first, we’re swapping kisses and movie quotes in the kitchen.
Together, we home-school our three girls, who keep us busy with art, science projects, books to read, dance classes, and walks about the park.
Twitter @TJandRita