Book Description: Arriving at the new government bunker, things quickly go from bad to worse. I am separated from Finn and my family because of my ability to connect with Arvies through telepathy. Housed with three other Readers—and kept away from the general population—we are given serum injections in effort to enhance our thought transference. The end goal? Thought manipulation. We are considered humanity’s only hope in the war against the Arvy race. With the ever growing threat of an invasion, the government demands results from the Reader program by doling out ultimatums, and using our loved ones against us. But they will not break me. My name is Abigail Park. I am intransigent. My description: Abigail Park and her family are going to a new bunker. On their way there, the soldiers discover that Abi is able to communicate with the Arvies so as soon as they get there, Abi is taken away from her family. They call her a Reader and she is now a member of the Reader program. She will be able to see her family only once a week. There are three other readers on the program, a couple of twins, Chase and Chloe and the Dr. Simon who is head of the program. Their goal is to expand the gift that the readers have and use it against the arvies. Abigail is not happy to be away from her love ones but at the same time, she wants to learn how to control her gift. She finds good friends in Chase and Chloe and even with Dr. Simon but doesn't know if she can trust them. She soon discover that she is different from the other ones, that her gift is far stronger than them and it puts her on the spot. When the government insist on having some results with the Readers program, things are getting out of control. My opinion: I really love the After Light Saga, a post apocalyptic series and I love Cameo Renae's books. This one was available as an audio book so I jumped on it. It seems to me that I don't have enough time to read all the books I want to read so audiobooks are perfect for me. I put them on my car while driving to work and back home. I was thrilled to read again about some of my favorite characters such as Abi and the gorgeous Fynn. The fact that Abi is now able to control more her gift opens a lot of new possibilities. I can't wait to see what's next. I will read Hostile, book 4, very soon. If you haven't read yet that serie, don't hesitate, I assure you that you will love it. The author: Cameo's family is what keeps her heart beating, and her world a happy place to be. She loves reading great books that whisk her away from reality, even if for a little while. :) Writing is her passion. She loves creating new worlds and new characters, and taking wondrous adventures with them. In My Dreams & Hidden Wings were both recently published through Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing. Descent (A Hidden Wings novella) was released May 15, 2013, and Broken Wings (Book 2 in the Hidden Wings Series) was released June 1, 2013. "One day I will find my magic wardrobe, and ride away on my magical unicorn... ♥ Until then... I'll keep writing! ;) " | Author: Cameo Renae Serie: The After Light Saga Editor: Self published Number of pages: 186 pages My opinion: |
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